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1.1 Background of the Study

Imagine controlling your household appliances with remote computer or

cell phone. Today this dream can be realized by use of GSM technology

and control appliances remotely via SMS. Currently available technology

allows this to be done easily with aid of microcontroller and GSM

technology using service provider’s network. We would like to present

our scope on home automation which is cheaper remotely and

convenient to use.

The project mainly focuses on transmission of textual data through air

interface by the use of GSM through asynchronous serial communication

.The data will be processed by the microcontroller on both ends. The data

will be use by the microcontroller to switch on/off but only if the data

matched with the stored data in the microcontroller. In addition to that

address matching is done and data can be received only by the dedicated


Its use however has for the most part been limited to entertainment

interpersonal communication and government and military use. Over the

last decade in parallel to the use of the GSM albeit to a much smaller

extent radio technology is being used to communicate between central

consoles and household appliances [1].

In this project Embedded System is used to communicate between the

GSM and the household appliance from client GSM. A light has been

used as the appliance to be controlled in order to illustrate the use of the

combination of these technologies in the framework of an average

household. However the approach used is simple and can be expanded to

include a large number of appliances.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

A typical control system such as office automation which consists of both

transmitters (TX) and the receiver (Rx) was considered for improvement

by using the GSM modem. This control method is restricted to only when

an appliance is kept ON or OFF through in the TX system on the device

and the Rx system at the modem only become functional at that instant.

For improved way of operating the appliance a GSM modem can serve

as the gateway between the receiver at one end and the transmitter that

sends the SMS commands to actuate the appliance either to be OFF or

ON from a possibly far distance where the network can cover.

1.3 Aim and Objectives

The fact that not all home automation designed using the same framework the

aim of this work is to archives design and construction a GSM based home

automation with the following objectives in mind;

(i) To improve the present way of controlling household appliances to

be SMS based.

(ii) To design an interface circuit that will communicate with GSM

using Microcontroller.

(iii) To design a program that will control and allow communication

between microcontroller and GSM

1.4 Motivation

Due to technological advancement in electronics and

telecommunications the design and construction of this project work was

motivated by the availability of devices such as microcontrollers which

in it is embedded different sub-electronic systems like universal

asynchronous receive transmit (USART) timer and counter circuits.

Availability of GSM modem which can serve as transmitter (Tx) and

receiver (Rx) in the GSM modem system and relay switches attributed to

the urge to come up with a design of this sort project.

1.5 Significant of Study

The challenges faced by people especially when you left house and

remembered your appliances are ON the system can be easily use to put the

appliance OFF also it resolve the challenges of controlling and monitoring

system in hazardous environment.

1.6 Methodology

The approach employed in the design and construction of the SMS based

home automation is based on having a transmitting end (Tx) which sends

the SMS command. Since it’s all about working with the GSM network.

A receive end (Rx) is also involved which is also a GSM modem that

receives the SMS command. The SMS control is meant to extract the

message command from the receiver process it and use its processed data

to activate or deactivate reset devices and appliances.

1.7 Limitation

The capacity of this project is such that it’s able to control two or more

devices either ON OFF or Resets them. It has the ability to send

feedback message to the sender of the command the status of the

operation being executed. The distance it can be operated from is

limitless provided there GSM services available at both transmitting and

receive ends.

The short coming of the SMS based lies in the quality of service provided

by the GSM network providers. In times of epileptic signals the GSM

modem might not be able to communicate with the transmitter that is the

sender of SMS commands.

1.8 Scope of Work

This project is designed base on SMS base home automation to control

appliances using GSM the command send by the GSM will be received by

interfacing circuit using microcontroller interpret the command and put

On/Off the selected relay. The relay is an interface between the

microcontroller and the 220V mains supply to put the appliance connected to

it On/Off.

1.9 Outline of Report

The report for this project comprises of five chapters with

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    higher national diploma (hnd)

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page

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